Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Running ActiveMQ Broker in Spring

ActiveMQ can run as an independent JMS server. This may be desirable if we want to run it independently of our spring application. However it is also possible that we may want to deploy a message broker within a spring environment. This may be simply because we need to do some unit testing or because our webapp is too small to break across several machines. Whatever be the reason. Let us make a note of basic steps to do it:

1. Put in your activemq.xml under the WEB-INF folder. Your ActiveMQ distribution(5.1.0 at time of this article) has this config file under the "conf" folder. We will not discuss configuring it here. Go here to read about configuring

2. The lib folder of the distribution has all possible jars that JMS may ever need in its lifetime. If you are not using Maven, you may need to copy the jars to your classpath. If you are using Maven, these dependencies should generally suffice for basic use.





Go here if you wish to simply run ActiveMQ using Maven
3. Put this bean definition in your spring conf:
<bean id="broker" class="org.apache.activemq.xbean.BrokerFactoryBean">
<property name="config" value="/WEB-INF/activemq.xml"/>
<property name="start" value="true"/>
You should be good to go. Bringing up your Spring application will start the broker at tcp://localhost:61636


James Strachan said...

Note that the activemq.xml is a regular spring XML file - so you can just copy the XML into your spring XML as well

Saveen said...

Agreed. Just keeping things separated for simplicity :)