Friday, July 10, 2009

Brainstorming Basics

A question asked is if this idea is unique. Yes and no is the answer. No, as a information systems are being built in one form or another. Yes, as there is no comprehensive information management and analysis system. For example, Joomla is unique as it gives a completely different perspective on building and managing website. Similarly, the project that I am proposing is unique in its vision and application.

Is it even possible to make information systems generalist when people use them so differently? Indeed, this problem is challenging. Nevertheless, in my experience, it is not only possible but is also desirable.

Am I not worried that somebody might steal my idea? Not really. In fact, if somebody can build such a system I may use it to make more applications. On the other hand, since this application that I intend to build may end up as open-source, it may have some appeal eventually.

The first step is to start defining the key modules. Let us brainstorm the objects that we can see in the system

Data Handler: A data handler that reads data in a standardized format and then stores, updates or deletes it as need be

Information: The central class that would act as a controller or central point of directing a particular information set

Webpage: A simple html page that we wish to use display various data interpretation elements

Report: A static report

Graph: Tools to generate static graphs on data set

Tables: Tools to generate smart tables on data set

Filters: Filters for graph or table data

Dashboard: Tools to generate a group of one or more dynamic graphs, smart tables and filters

Rules: Conditional treatment of incoming data

Alert: A notification broadcasted based on some rules defined on data

Logger: Logger that takes care of information logging

Support: A UI to dynamically manage the information system and see the system state visually

Each word in this list is inevitably linked to many more. As I work on it (time permitting) one definition a time, let us see where we reach. To reach the skeleton stage, we will define minimal (and final) goals for each list as we reach them.

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